In His Own Image Outreach Ministries LLC.
In His Own Image Outreach Ministries LLC.
"Equipping People who are In Need of Change" -- Genesis 1:27a
In His Own Image Outreach Ministries LLC, was founded in 2007.
In His Own Image Outreach Ministries LLC and its subordinate organizations, Hedges & Highways Corp and Scarred But Healed Corp, will begin the process of reaching its goals, for the adult and youth incarcerated and returning citizen population 12 – 9 months prior to release, through practical methods
Life-Skills Training – faith-based group and one-on-one instruction provided in the following areas:
Conflict Resolution
Family Concerns
A Look Inside
Anger Resolution
Facing Fear
Finding and Understanding My Purpose
The Treasures of My Lifeline
Benefits of Forgiveness
No Fear, Live Free
I’m Not Ashamed Of My Story
The Fullness of Joy (Inner Healing)
We teach adults and youth how to fish, so that when they have gained the knowledge they can teach others.
Our goal is to develop life-skills by fostering better decision making ensuring that each person is self-sufficient and self-sustaining in becoming a productive citizen.